Assessing the difficulties the U.S. news media has in covering Islam fairly, accurately.

Annie Besant provided an excellent summary statement on assessing the difficulties the U.S new media has in covering Islam fairly and accurately. In the statement she said, “There is far more misunderstanding of Islam than there is, I think, of the other religions of the world. So many things are said of it by those who do not belong to that faith.” In summary, the difficulties the news media faced with covering this particular religion is the lack of knowledge of the religion which creates stereotypes and assumptions. The misunderstandings and interpretations has caused American to place a labels on this religion that we know little about. “Islamophobia remains a national problem thanks to a cottage industry of anti-Muslim groups working to conflate terrorism and Islam in the minds of the American people”.

For example, in the article entitled Reporting on Islam the author eluded to two frequently used words “Allahu Akbar” that tend to continue to have misunderstandings of the meaning. With the little knowledge I have of the Islamic faith, I had no clue of the meaning or the importance of the phrase. Honestly, due to the media coverage and stereotypes painted by the media and other outlets, I would feel uncomfortable around an individual that fits the profile uttering these words.  However, after reading the article and understanding the phrase as it’s translation as “God is greater”, that uncomfortable feeling decrease. I consider this as a simple step, reading an article and learning a piece of the Islamic faith. A step that I feel is necessary for everyone especially the media.

In order to cover Islam accurate and fairly, the media must become literate with a clear understanding. There are several ways to dismantling the stereotypes and labels placed on Islam. New outlets should serve as bridge builders with experts within the Islam faith to disseminate accurate information about the religion as a whole. In addition to developing partnerships with experts or individuals that are knowledgeable, the media can also change their language in reporting. Instead of seeking the negative and scandalous information, look for ways to re-introduce Islam to America.


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